Extending Routes
Extending routes in config
You can extend the routes at build time with the extendRoute
or the beforeWriteFiles
options. Both can return a Promise:
extendRoute(route) {
if (route.name === '/[name]') {
beforeWriteFiles(root) {
root.insert('/from-root', path.join(__dirname, './src/pages/index.vue'))
Routes modified this way will be reflected in the generated typed-router.d.ts
In-Component Routing
It's possible to override the route configuration directly in the page component file. These changes are picked up by the plugin and reflected in the generated typed-router.d.ts
You can modify and extend any page component with the definePage()
macro from vue-router/auto
. This is useful for adding meta information, or modifying the route object. If you have configured auto imports, you won't need to import definePage
from vue-router/auto
as it is already available.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { definePage } from 'vue-router/auto'
alias: ['/n/:name'],
meta: {
requiresAuth: true,
<!-- ... -->
You cannot use variables in definePage()
as its passed parameter gets extracted at build time and is removed from <script setup>
. Similar to other macros like definePageMeta()
in Nuxt.
SFC <route>
custom block
The <route>
custom block is a way to extend existing routes. It can be used to add new meta
fields, override the path
, the name
, or anything else in a route. It has to be added to a .vue
component inside of the routes folder. It is similar to the same feature in vite-plugin-pages to facilitate migration.
<route lang="json">
"name": "name-override",
"meta": {
"requiresAuth": false
Note you can specify the language to use with <route lang="yaml">
. By default, the language is JSON5 (more flexible version of JSON) but yaml and JSON are also supported.
As an escape-hatch, it's possible to extend the routes at runtime with the extendRoutes
option in createRouter()
. Since these changes are made at runtime, they are not reflected in the generated typed-router.d.ts
import { createWebHistory, createRouter } from 'vue-router/auto'
const router = createRouter({
extendRoutes: (routes) => {
const adminRoute = routes.find((r) => r.name === '/admin')
if (adminRoute) {
adminRoute.meta ??= {}
adminRoute.meta.requiresAuth = true
// the return is completely optional since we are modifying the routes in place
return routes
history: createWebHistory(),
As this plugin evolves, this function should be used less and less and only become necessary in unique edge cases.
One example of this is using vite-plugin-vue-layouts which can only be used alongside extendRoutes()
import { createRouter } from 'vue-router/auto'
import { setupLayouts } from 'virtual:generated-layouts'
const router = createRouter({
// ...
extendRoutes: (routes) => setupLayouts(routes),